Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Miscellaneous Web 2.0 tools

I've been exploring more Web 2.0 tools including the extensive list of 2007 award winners at http://www.seomoz.org/web2.0/

There are many interesting tools here. The proliferation of web-based productivity tools such as word processing and spreadheets looks to be more than just a novelty. These will certainly prove useful and popular, to enable people to use these applications on a number of computers, avoid expensive software upgrades, the high cost of often underutilized software and the ability to share the documents with others.

Some example include: ThinkFree at www.thinkfree.com/common/main.tfo and EditGrid at www.editgrid.com/home There are several others,
including Google Docs.

Here's another New Zealand train pic for you. This is a tank engine (not Thomas) running at the Ferrymead Heritage Museum just south of Christchurch, not far from Port Littleton. This is an extensive complex with a whole village exhibiting lifestyles and crafts from the pioneer era in NZ, an amazing display of fire engines, a working tramway running for more than a mile, a railway with several engines, including electrics from Arthur's Pass, trolleybuses, a cafe and more.

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