Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Wikis and libraries

Today, I've been enjoying reading about the use of wikis in the library environment. The examples I found showed that a lot of useful, and more importantly, attractive and interesting things are being done. I have seen several uses I like and other possibilities come to mind: 1. A combination library user's guide and newsletter. Instead of coming out in editions, it could just be permanent with frequent updates and changes to keep it current and interesting. 2. Subject guides for library and web-based resources. Users would be welcome to contribute adding useful new information sources and deleting or revising dead links. 3. Books reviews and similar info available from the OPAC. Amazon.com is interesting and enjoyable just to browse. Why not make our OPAC just as appealing? 4. Information about the library in an open forum format. Users would be welcome to make comments and suggestions. This would be valuable to allow library policies and practices to be clarified and explained to users.
Valuable feedback could be gained from users,
so that services, policies and acquisitions could
be fine-tuned to serve them better.

Wikis offer plenty of possibilities.

And now it's time for another NZ train pic, just so we don't forget what this blog is really all about it.

It's another view on the Weka Pass Railway, north of Christchurch, in October 2006.

Have a great day.

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